딥러닝의 정석 ch 6 skip-gram model 예제 코드
본 글은 딥러닝의 정석(Fundamentals of Deep Learning) 6장 임베딩과 표상학습의
skip-gram 모델 예제 코드를 싣고 있다.
skip-gram 모델에 사용되는 데이터셋을 생성하는 코드와 데이터는 github 페이지에서 다운 받을 수 있다. 다운 받은 후 input_word_data.py에 'import
matplotlib.pyplot as plt' 코드를 추가 해야 한다.
skip-gram 모델의 소스는 아래와 같다. 이 파일도 github에서 다운받을 수 있다.
하지만 일부 라인에서 에러를 일으킬 수 있다. 본 글의 코드는 실행되도록 일부
코드를 수정했다.
import os,shutil
import archive.input_word_data as data
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
batch_size = 128
# Number of training examples per batch
embedding_size = 128
# Dimension of embedding vectors
skip_window = 5
# Window size for context to the left and right
of target
num_skips = 4
# How many times to reuse target to generate a
label for context.
batches_per_epoch = int(data.data_size*num_skips/batch_size)
# Number of batches per epoch of training
training_epochs = 3
# Number of epochs to utilize for training
neg_size = 64
# Number of negative samples to use for NCE
display_step = 10000
# Frequency with which to print statistics
val_step = 100000
# Frequency with which to perform validation
learning_rate = 0.1
# Learning rate for SGD
val_size = 20
val_dist_span = 500
val_examples = np.random.choice(val_dist_span, val_size, replace=False)
top_match = 8
plot_num = 500
def embedding_layer(x, embedding_shape):
with tf.variable_scope('embedding'):
embedding_init =
tf.random_uniform(embedding_shape, -1.0, 1.0)
embedding_matrix =
return tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding_matrix,x),
def noise_contrastive_loss(embedding_lookup, weight_shape, bias_shape, y ):
with tf.variable_scope('nce'):
nce_weight_init =
tf.truncated_normal(weight_shape, stddev=1.0/(weight_shape[1])**0.5)
nce_bias_init = tf.zeros(bias_shape)
nce_W = tf.get_variable('W',
nce_b =
total_loss = tf.nn.nce_loss(weights = nce_W,
biases=nce_b, inputs = embedding_lookup, labels = y,
num_sampled = neg_size,
return tf.reduce_mean(total_loss)
def training(cost, global_step):
with tf.variable_scope('training'):
optimizer =
train_op =
return train_op
def validation(embedding_matrix, x_val):
norm =
normalized = embedding_matrix/norm
val_embeddings = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(normalized,x_val)
cosine_similarity = tf.matmul(val_embeddings, normalized,
return normalized, cosine_similarity
if __name__ == '__main__':
if os.path.exists('skipgram_logs/'):
with tf.variable_scope('skipgram_model'):
x = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[batch_size])
y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [batch_size,1])
val = tf.constant(val_examples, dtype=tf.int32)
global_step = tf.Variable(0,name='global_step',
e_lookup, e_matrix = embedding_layer(x,
[data.vocabulary_size, embedding_size])
cost = noise_contrastive_loss(e_lookup,
[data.vocabulary_size, embedding_size], [data.vocabulary_size],y)
train_op = training(cost, global_step)
val_op = validation(e_matrix,val)
sess = tf.Session()
summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()
summary_writer =
step = 0
avg_cost = 0
for epoch in range(training_epochs):
for minibatch in
step += 1
minibatch_y = data.generate_batch(batch_size, num_skips, skip_window)
feed_dict =
{x:minibatch_x, y:minibatch_y}
_, new_cost,
train_summary = sess.run([train_op, cost,summary_op],feed_dict=feed_dict)
avg_cost +=
if step %
display_step == 0:
print("Elapsed: ", str(step), " batches. Cost =", "{:.9f}".format(avg_cost))
avg_cost = 0
if step % val_step
== 0:
similarity = sess.run(val_op)
for i
in range(val_size):
val_word = data.reverse_dictionary[val_examples[i]]
neighbors = (-similarity[i,:]).argsort()
neighbors = neighbors[1:top_match+1]
print_str = 'Nearest neighbor of ' + val_word + ' :'
for k in range(top_match):
print_str += ' '+data.reverse_dictionary[neighbors[k]]
+ ','
final_embeddings,_= sess.run(val_op)
tsne = TSNE(perplexity=30, n_components=2, init='pca',
plot_embedding = np.asfarray(final_embeddings[:plot_num,:],
low_dim_embs = tsne.fit_transform(plot_embedding)
labels = [data.reverse_dictionary[i] for i in range(500)]
data.plot_with_labels(low_dim_embs, labels)
아래는 학습 cost의 변화를 표시한 그래프다. 200k step후 cost의 변화가 이전처럼
많지 않다. 마치 더이상 학습이 아루어지지 않는것 처럼 보인다.
책에 의하면, 학습이 진행 될수록, 관련도가 높은 단어를 찾는다고 한다. 아래는
초기 학습 단계와 학습이 거의 끝난 단계에서 관련도가 높은 단어들 찾아 표시한
Elapsed: 100000 batches. Cost = 5.025829982
Nearest neighbor of official : new, turned, ark, approximately, keep,
sentence, lunar, implementation,
Nearest neighbor of full : agave, inside, acts, processing, across,
users, preserved, rainy,
Nearest neighbor of important : account, miles, l, met, olympic, pull,
elect, ft,
Nearest neighbor of west : listing, bullet, interior, names, much, arms,
infectious, zeus,
Nearest neighbor of just : buddha, perspective, page, absolute, width,
throughout, alive, bulgarian,
Nearest neighbor of t : ammonia, independent, belarus, sources, alaska,
otherwise, least, biography,
Nearest neighbor of television : reduction, said, footballer, rapidly,
nine, group, generals, in,
Nearest neighbor of km : hunting, succession, writer, one, equally,
brazil, isbn, felt,
Nearest neighbor of development : ada, conflict, less, honor, exclusive,
centuries, recovered, exception,
Nearest neighbor of this : brown, alaska, browns, he, naturally, so,
knights, distinctive,
Nearest neighbor of western : kg, potential, man, anna, r, inventor,
claiming, out,
Nearest neighbor of science : province, UNK, apple, human, slavery,
underwent, contributed, finite,
Nearest neighbor of islands : electron, helping, diameter, labels,
aluminium, execution, of, mean,
Nearest neighbor of under : alaska, beijing, clark, do, defence,
victims, appearance, president,
Nearest neighbor of generally : gore, lincoln, davis, independence,
area, mount, designs, calculations,
Nearest neighbor of given : million, direction, loyal, branch, powered,
gun, executive, developers,
Nearest neighbor of case : swedish, era, anime, sent, daughters, ruled,
caesar, are,
Nearest neighbor of must : UNK, nuremberg, verbs, ca, wwii, nintendo,
mr, technical,
Nearest neighbor of when : arbitration, increased, quotes, popular,
reports, hall, believed, lincoln,
Nearest neighbor of china : ranked, loan, mountain, please, sexual,
vessels, english, targeted,
Elapsed: 1500000 batches. Cost = 4.732197985
Nearest neighbor of official : turned, approximately, infectious, new,
ark, keep, assigned, primitive,
Nearest neighbor of full : agave, inside, rainy, descriptive,
conjugation, UNK, reed, processing,
Nearest neighbor of important : banner, pull, unfortunately, account,
probe, actual, steady, treating,
Nearest neighbor of west : infectious, rounds, bullet, listing, healthy,
karate, boston, compressed,
Nearest neighbor of just : buddha, perspective, absolute, placement,
page, adequate, entity, lens,
Nearest neighbor of t : i, ammonia, orthography, resignation, glacial,
you, predominantly, lisa,
Nearest neighbor of television : reduction, shanghai, footballer,
rapidly, op, generals, insects, album,
Nearest neighbor of km : three, one, hunting, isbn, total, five, six,
Nearest neighbor of development : ada, diocese, exclusive, honor,
conflict, recovered, dances, employed,
Nearest neighbor of this : it, the, brown, equivalent, so, naturally,
converted, a,
Nearest neighbor of western : anna, mughal, kg, claiming, potential,
asia, southern, man,
Nearest neighbor of science : underwent, security, burned, asserted,
human, anthem, ranges, slavery,
Nearest neighbor of islands : electron, helping, labels, isotope,
diameter, execution, beatles, rouge,
Nearest neighbor of under : beijing, defence, harper, dunes, alaska,
dictator, clark, reasonably,
Nearest neighbor of generally : speculation, calculations, montreal,
products, implied, stanley, designs, spread,
Nearest neighbor of given : loyal, direction, transported, subordinate,
graves, connecticut, million, if,
Nearest neighbor of case : daughters, elementary, prevented,
emancipation, swedish, era, implications, expect,
Nearest neighbor of must : verbs, safely, anyway, hole, neighboring,
bearing, nuremberg, some,
Nearest neighbor of when : arbitration, decides, believed, in,
battleships, quotes, reports, wait,
Nearest neighbor of china : please, loan, buses, stuart, improving,
ranked, mountain, vessels,
아래는 t-SNE을 사용하여 skip-gram 임베딩을 시각화한 것이다. 좌측
하단에 알파벳들이 모여있는 것이 보인다. 어느정도 관련도가 있는 단어들이 모여
있는것으로 보인다.
관련 글:
딥러닝의 정석 예제 코드 chapter 6 임베딩과 표상학습 autoencoder mnist
딥러닝의 정석 예제 코드 chapter 5 합성곱 신경망 CIFAR-10 학습
딥러닝의 정석 예제 코드 chapter 5 합성곱 신경망 MNIST
딥러닝의 정석 예제 코드 chapter 4 경사 하강법을 넘어서
딥러닝의 정석 예제 코드 chapter 3 텐서플로로 신경망 구현하기 MNIST
딥러닝의 정석 예제 코드 chapter 5 합성곱 신경망 CIFAR-10 학습
딥러닝의 정석 예제 코드 chapter 5 합성곱 신경망 MNIST
딥러닝의 정석 예제 코드 chapter 4 경사 하강법을 넘어서
딥러닝의 정석 예제 코드 chapter 3 텐서플로로 신경망 구현하기 MNIST
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